Jun 6, 2023Liked by Ilana Redstone

Perhaps I missing something. In my mind, gender affirming simply means treating transgender and non-binary individuals with respect (by using their preferred pronouns as one example). It doesn’t matter if I have thoughts about whether or not it is permanent or a phase. In fact gender affirming physicians and counselors explore and ask questions about gender issues and other symptoms with their patients, they just do it in a respectful manner.

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I don’t think unsure is the right way to describe what so many of us think. I don’t claim to be any sort of medical expert. I do look at the numbers of people claiming to be trans now seem very high considering the conditions that make you trans are rare. I do think there are a great many young people now who don’t know what they are. Safeguards have to be in place for kids that are signing on to something that may be wrong for them. For all I know the medical community is doing a good job of this, but it’s reasonable to assume in some places they are not. Trans care is important. Can anyone tell me what safeguards are in place? It’s very possible I’m worried about something that is under the best control possible. I don’t care Target is removing clothes from their shelves over this. They are a private company and can do what they want. We don’t have to shop there either. I don’t shop there anyway but it shows how divided we are when the survival of a company depends on understanding the political leaning of most of your customers.

But when all is said by people like me who are not experts we need to trust the professionals who do. Any objector who who does not have proof that something is wrong should just shut up. On both sides.

So in the end I am not an unsure. I live in a rational world where I admit what I don’t know and support those who do. And the people who need trans care need to get it and we must do better protecting people from hate groups like republicans.

Absolutists from any side are always wrong.

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Triads often work as a heuristic for westerners as it does in this case at least as a first cut toward understanding attitudes toward LGBTQ persons.

However, even at this simplified stage of analysis, I see no reason why ‘insures’ would be suspected of pressuring target to pull its Pride merchandise.

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